28 дек. 2015 г.

How we celebrate Christmas in the USA. Bush Gardens Christmas town, Williamsburg, VA.

Where: Bush Gardens, Williamsburg, VA.
When: November 27 – January 3.
Admission: starting from 25$/ person, children up 3 are free, parking 14$.

While I'll admit that Busch Gardens has some kinks to works out, not getting into Christmas town is not entirely their fault if you happen to go on a crowded night. We decided to purchase a discounted Christmas Bounce Ticket assuming some nights would be busier than others as Christmas Day approached and because we have small children which sometimes limits how long we can stay.
This package include:
- Three (3) consecutive days’ admission for Colonial Williamsburg and Busch Gardens Christmas Town
- Valid November 27, 2015 through January 3, 2016. Park open from 2 p.m.
- Complimentary shuttle service around the Historic Area
- Free parking included at Busch Gardens Williamsburg
- Interpreter-led tours of Colonial Williamsburg’s Governor’s Palace and the Capitol Building
- Admission to the two Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg.

We wanted to see Historic Williamsburg too, so it was great deal for us. If you have two kids before 6 years (like we are), you have to by just two tickets for 59$ each. We saved 118$ (Bush Gardens 35*4 for admissions+14$ for parking; 41$*2 for Williamsburg).
Tickets can be purchased online and redeemed only at the Colonial Williamsburg Regional Visitor Center, which is where your Williamsburg experience begins. It's inconvenient if you are going to Busch  Gardens first, but it worth money.

I know another way to save money if you what to attend just Bush Gardens. You have to use discount code online 10$ off per ticket.
We also prepared our children on December 12, that sometimes we don't get to do everything on our list. For example, because we saw the Miracles shows and took the ride train, we didn't have enough time for kiddie rides. My girls are only just 5 and 3. Remember it was warm weekend (around 68), kids are off school, adults take extra vacation time and no rain.

 Also, the main event is the lights which are better seen at night. I think it would stand to reason given all this information through weather channels and sites and common knowledge of how vacation schedules work around the holidays, that one has to be prepared for large crowds and delays and prepare themselves and their families. We spent forty minutes just for parking there, But they had enough free species for cars. They have good organization about transportation people from parking lot to park.
Directly opposite the entrance installed the Christmas tree. This is a great place for a Christmas photo.
That said, there are shows at 3:00, 3:30 and about every hour. Until the park gets dark, this is what you should be doing. All light's decoration in Christmas Town during the day looks ugly and boring because most if things are old.
We saw "Deck the Halls" in Germany, "Miracles" in Italy and "O' Tannenbaum" show in Germany.
The first one was in food court building,  everyone around us was eating and slurping.
The meal was heavy on kiddie favorites (chicken fingers, hot dogs, Swedish meatballs, macaroni and cheese) with a standard turkey dinner (nice, thick slices of turkey), mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, dinner rolls, corn.  It's geared for kids, and served on paper plates and plastic cups. The food was not good and expensive. Also, I recommend to take candies and snack for children from home, because park to sell one candy for for dollars. For dollars for one candy! It's awfully! Beverage Costs - our wineglass cost of $14.95 in France for a decent glass of wine seemed reasonable when we were told refills were only $7.95. However, when trying to get a refill later in Italy, we were surprised to find that the only $7.95 refills available in white were a Prosecco or Savignon Blanc, a Chardonnay was an extra $5 premium.... Only $2 less than the original glass AND wine cost! Felt that this was more "bait and switch"....not to mention the aggravation of having to tote around mugs and wine glasses all night to supposedly save a few $.
The second one was indoor without food. I liked Miracles show more. Do not pay extra (around 8$/person) for reserving seating on the performance. They had available seats on each show.

Your Christmas Town experience culminates in a multi-colored spectacular light show O' Tannenbaum. Gather with friends around our majestic 50-foot Christmas tree, sip a hot beverage and dance to the booming holiday musical score.
We didn't plan to attend special shows, we just were moving according to the park's map and go on those shows that were open at this time.
After it gets dark, however, is when you want to be taking the full lap around the park to see how each country or land is illuminated. Overall, I was impressed. The lights were beautiful, the attractions were fun, and I felt like it put us in the Christmas spirit.

It did start to get very crowded as the night went on. We left around 9:30, and were glad to be out of there as the crowds had picked up and the lines for everything were out of control. That said, 6 hours was plenty to see and do pretty much everything we wanted to.
We didn't pay extra for Santa's workshop (we visited Santa at Tysons Corner Mall, VA before), and Santa's fireside feast (it's worth 102$ per our family), but we did not regret about it because we had plenty of time to ride the rides. We didn't have huge lines for rides, so, my girls had a lot of fun.

France was my favorite part of the park. The music was quite, lights was bright and rides for little kids without crowd.
If you are going to take the hotels I recommend for you Hampton Inn and Suites Williamsburg Richmond Road, Williamsburg, VA. This hotel is clean, cheap, has great customer service, amazing complimentary breakfast, and 24 hours free tea and coffee.

All in all however, despite it taking an forty minutes to get in and hardly being able to move once inside that busy night it was a magical experience for our girls.
I'am not recommend to visit this park after December 20th before Christmas because it will be awfully crowd and you can't found free space for car. If the management decreased the 'max capacity' for Christmastown on any given night and raised the price enough to still be profitable, I think you would have guests like me excited about returning!
Even though it was packed, I highly recommend Christmas Town to people of all ages. There are wine tastings,  shopping, shows, and enough activities to keep people of all ages busy. The Christmas lights are worth seeing, especially at Pompeii.

26 дек. 2015 г.

Merry Christmas everyone!

There is nothing more magical than decorated trees, lights, presents, family and friends to brighten up your life. Merry Christmas!

19 дек. 2015 г.

How we celebrate Christmas in the USA. Our Zoo Lights experience, Washington, DC.

Where: Smithsonian National Zoological Park.
When: November 27 – January 2 : 5 - 9PM (Except December 24, 25, 31)
Event is free and open to the public.
Parking is limited and rates are:
$10 for FONZ members
$20 for non-members

Zoo lights is such a nice, "free" way to spend a winter evening in the holiday season. The indoor exhibits were open and there are little activities and light shows along the main path of the zoo.  This is perfect for a family and is very child-friendly. It is also great to attend as a group of friends or a date that will get everyone in the holiday spirit.
ZooLights at the National Zoo in Washington, DC is a winter holiday event that is sure to be fun for the whole family. 
The National Zoo presents a display of thousands of sparkling lights featuring sculptures of many of the Zoo’s most popular animals, including giant pandas, Asian elephants, gibbons, a sea lion, an octopus, and a Komodo dragon.
Visitors at ZooLights enjoy a laser light show near elephants' building, 
musical performances, and, of course, attractions for children. They have train ride, carousel, inflatable slides.  $3 per ride.
 Grab your Fast Pack Ride Tickets, only $20, and you'll be on your way to fun in no time. Fast Pack Ride Tickets include eight (8) tickets, a $24 value, good for any ZooLights attraction – Speedwell Foundation Conservation Carousel, Zoo Tubing or National Zoo Choo-Choo. 
Grab yours at any ticket kiosk throughout ZooLights.
Zoo Lights is a fun way to spend an evening strolling through the National Zoo.  The reptile, small mammal, and ape houses are all open if you want to spot some real animals or get a break from the cold, however these houses were crowded.

We went on 11/28/15 and it was a warm day, so, it was pack people everywhere. The temperature was in the mid-6os so it was actually a warm night to walk in the Zoo and enjoy the lights. I can't imagine feeling the same way when it's in the 30s, so if the weather is a little nicer, I would recommend going then. 

Save $20 minimum for parking and $40 for snack, drinks, and rides, walking wear comfortable shoes. "Pepco" offers The light up toys near entrance,  it's free.
Though the lights were a pleasant enough experience on their own, providing a nice backdrop for a November evening stroll, my favorite part of the visit was the Train Station located inside the Visitor's Center. They had Gingerbread houses on display, and also a model train with every single cake topper imaginable located along the hills and plains surrounding the train tracks.

Beware that there are many parents who keep their young and cranky children up at 9 pm, so you will hear a lot of crying, and will get run into by kids who desperately want to see whatever exhibit you're viewing. Put on your fake smile and beam it at the parents who don't bother to apologize for their little children's' behavior, and you'll have a great time.

Happy Holidays!

17 дек. 2015 г.

Продуктовые магазины в Америке. Цены на продукты в Америке. Costco. Whole foods. Taste of Europe. Aldi.

      Моим родителям наверняка интересно посмотреть как выглядят продуктовые магазины в Америке. После визита в Россию, мне также стало интересно сравнить ассортимент и цены продуктов. Особенно актуальна эта тема сейчас, когда для России вводятся новые санкции. Цены на провиант растут, а его качество становится хуже с каждым годом. Такое ощущение, что Россия вернется к временам хронического дефицита качественных продуктов питания, как это было в СССР.
      Я сделала несколько видео нескольких магазинов. Все они разные и рассчитаны на покупателей с разным уровнем дохода. Только вот качество еды в них гораздо выше, чем на моей Родине, даже, если сравнивать московский продуктовый ряд. Жаль, что я не сняла магазины в Москве и в регионе, тогда можно было бы посмотреть наглядное сравнение уровня жизни населения двух стран, но я обязательно сделаю это в следующий раз.
     Продуктовый магазин 1. Whole foods.
Этот магазин специализируется на модном тренде развитых стран - он предлагает, якобы, органически чистые продукты, без ГМО. Рассчитан на покупателей с уровнем дохода выше среднего. Цены на определенные товары здесь такие же, как и в других, более дешевых магазинах, на какие то, превышают в разы своих конкурентов. Здесь все чисто. Покупателей приветствуют приветливый персонал. Кассир спрашивает как у меня дела, нужна ли мне помощь, донести мои покупки до машины и бережно укладывает мою провизию вот в такие хлопчатобумажные сумки.
Кстати, в нашем округе борются с чрезмерным использованием пластиковых пакетов,  каждый пакетик стоит 5 центов, поэтому покупатели перешли на авоськи, которые мы использовали в СССР. Между прочим, очень удобно. Надо сказать, что во всех без исключения магазинах, кассиры не сидят, как у нас, а стоят все 8 ч своей смены, у них нет даже стульев под попой, так что 10$/ч в Америке дается очень тяжело.
     Продуктовый магазин 2. Costco.
Этот магазин вызывает у меня противоречивые чувства.
С одной стороны, это, по-сути, мелкооптовая база, рассчитанная на покупателей с разным уровнем дохода. С другой стороны, качество продуктов хорошее, некоторые товары, например, свежая рыба, гораздо вкуснее, чем у конкурентов. НО: в одной коробке, или в одном пакете нафасовано столько добра, что съесть это до того, как это испортиться практически нереально. Цена за единицу товара практически такая же, как у других, а если учесть цену за весь вес или содержимое коробки, или пакета, то выходит приличная сумма. Получается деньги "заморожены" в этом количестве товара,  когда могут быть потрачены на другое, поэтому никакой экономии в семейном бюджете я, лично, не ощутила.
Народ приезжает сюда к открытию, иначе, через несколько минут, просто негде будет припарковать свой автомобиль. Длинная вереница плетется к кассовым аппаратам, чтобы расстаться со своими наличными, кредитные карты здесь не принимаются.
Я постоянно ругаю этот магазин, но прусь туда каждый месяц в поисках неизведанного.
Вот такая небольшая корзина с провизией вытянула из моего бюджета 410$, а корзинка я бы не сказала, что полная.
    Продуктовый магазин 3. Aldi.
А это магазин открылся совсем недавно в Gaithersburg и нашли мы его совершенно случайно. Здесь продается ограниченный ассортименты товаров, но зато за центы, а не за доллары. Рассчитан он на покупателей с низким уровнем дохода, но некоторые, точно такие же товары, продаются и в Whole foods, например, я купила здесь рис за 1.5$, который стоит 4.5 у его конкурента (в точно такой же упаковке). Здесь не принимаются кредитные карты, только наличные.
      Продуктовый магазин 4. Taste of Europe.
Ну и напоследок покажу наших соотечественников. Как говориться, хочешь попасть в Россию, сходи в наш продуктовый. Мрачные лица, пристальное наблюдение персонала, что это я делаю за стеллажом (наверное, бояться, что я буду есть там булочку, не заплатив за нее), доброжелательность (Покупатель: "А когда у вас будут блинчики с мясом? Захожу уже несколько раз, а блинчиков нет." Персонал:" Чаще ходить надо." Или: покупатель "Ой, вы кассу новую купили?! "Персонал"Какая радость!"). Короче, такая реакция на клиентов, наверное, это у нас в крови.
Но салат "оливье", докторскую колбасу и сосиски можно найти только здесь, так что Добро пожаловать в русский продуктовый магазин в Америке.
В каждом магазине продукты хорошего качества, и, если сравнивать с Россией, особенно, с регионами, то ОЧЕНЬ ХОРОШЕГО КАЧЕСТВА. Всякий собственник в Америке старается, чтобы его магазин был лучше других, стремиться поставлять только качественные товары и оказывать качественные услуги, сервис в этой стране ставиться на первое место.

16 дек. 2015 г.

How we celebrate Christmas in the USA. Our Christmas on the Potomac experience.

Christmas on the Potomac
Where: National Harbor
When: November 14 – January 5

Admission: Free, though some activities cost extra.

National Harbor goes all out during the holidays. ICE! might be the big attraction, but there’s also plenty to do there to warrant a visit without the frozen entertainment. Most of it takes place in the Gaylord National Resort, which is transformed into a winter wonderland, complete with a spectacular glass Christmas tree, nightly tree lightings, the Potomac Express train offering rides for guests, photo ops with Santa, indoor snowfalls, fountain shows, and more.
Christmas on the Potomac at the Gaylord National Resort is pretty cool even without the frozen amusement. I know this from firsthand experience.

Through my reviews on other blogs and local websites, I’ve been hearing mixed things about ICE! Featuring Santa Claus is Comin' to Town. Usually, I like to experience something for myself rather than rely on hearsay; but at nearly $126 for our family of four (35$/adult, 28$/child), we decided to miss the Grinch-inspired ice park this time. Besides, we could always go back another day if we really wanted to check it out.

The “lite” version of the Christmas on the Potomac worked out quite well for us. The Gaylord Hotel itself is pretty spectacular with the atrium transformed into a holiday wonderland. The decorations are brilliant — long strands of sheer fabric lined with glimmering lights hang overhead, indoor trees and street lamps are adorned with colorful twinklers and shiny ornaments, and ruby red poinsettias line the walkways. And the centerpiece of it all is the giant glass Christmas tree, standing 60 feet tall in front of a wall of windows overlooking the Potomac. 

For the kids, however, the best parts are just below the tree. The Polar Express, an adorable little train, circles a small track and offers $2 rides — a big highlight for my girls. 
Just next to the train, Santa is waiting for photo, and just around the corner up a few steps a lovely fountain shoots up sprays of water, delighting kids of all ages. This is all set among what feels like a little village in the atrium. Walkways are lined with aforementioned trees (real ones) and lamps, stores look like little houses, and restaurants like outdoor cafes. 
Photo with Santa available from November 21 to December 24 just for 40$ plus sales tax.
We experienced all of this nightly, when the atrium becomes a greater spectacle as Northern Lights sparkle overhead, the fountain “dances” to holiday tunes, the Christmas tree is illuminated, and “flurries” drift down on Snowfall Lane. Surely, this is the kind of thing kids would find magical.
It's always 72 degrees in our atrium, but you won't believe your eyes as it snows inside! Snow falls twice nightly at 6:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. We have seen this show snow, but it was very, very small, so it makes no sense to come here only to see the snow.
The kids loved the light and fountain show and the "snow" falling. Every person we dealt with was friendly and helpful and although crowded. It wasn't cramped. One bit of advice, spring for the balcony room overlooking the hotels Christmas decoration.
The Village of the North pole at Gaylord National offers Gingerbread Decorating Corner for decorating gingerbread cookie family (35.95$ plus sale tax) or gingerbread house (49.95$ plus sale tax) on your choice. We missed this opportunity because we was done with this decorating tradition at home and you can buy any Gingerbread house in any store just for 10$ and play with it at home.
You can visit Gaylord without ICE! for free. We did pay for parking, but there are meters on the streets or garages, which aren’t too pricey (nearly 10$ up 3 to hours).

The festivities at the National Harbor aren’t limited to the hotel. Guests can glide on "Tree of Light" show on the main square. There, the children can run on an artificial green lawn, while adults relax by the fire.
The many retail stores and restaurants, most of them family-friendly, offer holiday shopping and dining options.
The weather was incredibly warm that weekend for December in MD, so we enjoyed the harbor area ad nightly light and music show inside the hotel was fun to watch in the evening.

15 дек. 2015 г.

B&O railroad museum. Magical Holiday Express. Christmas. Музей железной дороги в Америке.

Where: Baltimore, MD; Ellicott City Station.
When: November 21 – January 3.
Admission: $18 for Adults, $16 for Seniors (60+), $12 for children (2-12). Train Rides tickets are $3 for adults, $2 for children with paid admission. For membership benefits, click here. Free parking.
We had a great weekend in Baltimore railroad museum. They have a lot of activities and events for kids before Christmas.
All weekends filled by children activities. 
These events are included in admission, but in any case it's expensive for whole family (about 70$ for 2 adults and 2 kids with train ride), so, you have to find discount coupon online and bring it to cashier before you purchase tickets.   I absolutely forgot about this opportunity, and I had to buy the annual subscription for a family (it is more than $ 30). You can do this in the day of visiting the exhibition.  
We enjoyed Frosty Fest weekend where includes:
- special guests:
photos and  visits with Frosty and Santa;
Train Rides with Frosty the Snowman & Santa. With paid admission, train rides are $3 for adults, $2 for children and FREE for B&O Members. Train rides do not need to be purchased in advance.;

Live Musical Performances (it was The Dan Meyer Choir (1:15pm)). It was good several songs with Christmas term.
 My favourite part of museum became Baltimore Area American Flyer Club. People come with own collections of train and show it everybody. You can see it but you can't buy or play with it. During the Christmas meetings, exhibitions change several times. The train's owners very friendly and love to talk with everybody about their collections.
The museum provide also Holiday Kid Zone Workshop (craft) where With the help of Santa's elves, kids can make and decorate a holiday card with 3-D action. In this part of the museum was a few child, so the drawing area for children was closed early. But they left a paper and pencils for the children and it was possible to write a letter to Santa Claus and send it by mail.
Also the museum has play area with wood train and railroads. It's free and without the crowds.
Every weekend Story & Activity times are held in the reading area of the Choo Choo Blue Kid Zone and give children a chance to hear a classic railroad story and participate in an interactive educational activity. With Choo Choo Blue the museum offers activities for kids all ages.
Indoor carousel ride work every day, but you have to pay for it extra 2$, unlimited rides are 5$/day. 
They have a small cafe inside the museum, but food is not ok, you have to bring lunch by yourself.
Outside there is a small playground for children, where they can run and play with other kids. In the middle of the site there is a huge box with a railroad trains and city's imitation. 
Some days museum offers Breakfast Buffet & Train Ride with cartoon's characters, but these events are not include in the admission. Space is limited, advance prepaid reservations required because tickets sell out very fast.
The museum also offers photo with Santa Claus. It's empty place and without crowd.
And of course, collections of 19th- and 20th-century artifacts related to America's railroads. The collection includes 250 pieces of railroad rolling stock, 15,000 artifacts, four significant 19th-century buildings, including the historic roundhouse, and a mile of track, considered the most historic mile of railroad track in the United States.

We spent about four hours in the museum, and it was enough to see the whole show, and play with the children. Beware about the hours - the museum is open until 4, but the everything but the main building (roundhouse) actually closes at 3:30.
Amazing display of trains and history. We would come back again!
Happy holidays!

8 дек. 2015 г.

How we celebrate Christmas in the USA. Our Santa HQ experience. Tysons Corner Mall. Фото с Санта Клаусом.

Where: Tyson’s Corner
When: November 14 – December 24
Admission: Free, but portrait packages start at $30

Discover holiday wonderment in this immersive and innovative experience with visual elements that transport you straight to the North Pole. Enter HGTV’s Santa HQ and be scanned by the digital Naughty or Nice O’Meter, snap an “Elfie Selfie” in Santa’s workshop and star in your own holiday video. Then onto the North Pole Observatory to experience Elf-Ray Vision in a 3D environment…all before meeting the big man in red himself!

We love Christmas events in Tysons Corner Mall, especially Santa's workshop and photo with Santa. We attended the North Pole every year and now we have even the small gallery with memory pictures. My kids love this events and they are exited to meet Santa there. And I love this children's activity too, but only on weekdays, because in this year we decided came there in Saturday, and we had line 1.5 hour. It was before Thanksgiving day. Can you imagine what is happening close to Christmas day? Usually, a line of people finishes in a Bloomingdale's store.  So, if you have opportunity to visit Santa during weekdays it will be great. If no, you can make reservation your event online, but then you will pay five dollars more than those who stand in line (34.99$).

Your session with Santa begins from the moment when you across the entrance of Santa's HQ .

At the entrance there is a game where you will be scan by the digital Naughty or Nice O’Meter , and then as your queue is progressing, you will move into the second room, where you can take photos of children with Christmas tree
and make this a funny video with Elfie.
Then you get into the room experience Elf-Ray Vision in a 3D environment,  assistants show for children cartoon on the tablet for passing the time when you are waiting in line.
Then you are almost ready for meeting with Santa, but before, you have to make photo with whole family, or just only kids.
And here you are! It's Santa. 
Finally, they give to children gift in the form of coloring books and send parents to purchase a disc with treasured photos.
Some days they provided some special events with Santa like Annual Santa Breakfast with fun activities including face painting and balloon art.
Happy Holidays! I wish you fun a fun meeting with Santa Claus in this Christmas season.

4 дек. 2015 г.

How we celebrate Thanksgiving in the USA.

Celebrated annually in the United States on the fourth Thursday in November, the holiday of Thanksgiving was first observed in 1621 and continues to be an American tradition today. Thanksgiving means many things to different people but for most, the holiday of Thanksgiving is synonymous with festive meals, parades, football, family and friends, and, of course, turkey. For many, it's also about spending time together, catching up and enjoying one another's company. The Thanksgiving holiday is a reminder to give thanks for the good things, people and providential events in our lives. If you want to know how to celebrate Thanksgiving in style, just follow these steps.

History of Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is a harvest festival and an important public holiday which is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States. Thanksgiving has been celebrated nationally on and off since 1789, after a proclamation by George Washington.[1]It has been celebrated as a federal holiday every year since 1863, when, during theAmerican Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens", to be celebrated on the last Thursday in November.[2] Together with Christmas and New Year, Thanksgiving is a part of the broader holiday season by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939 and approved by Congress in 1941. 
The First Thanksgiving 1621, oil on canvas by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris (1899). American joke about the native population.

The event that Americans commonly call the "First Thanksgiving" was celebrated by the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in 1621. This feast lasted three days, and it was attended Native Americans and Pilgrims. The New England colonists were accustomed to regularly celebrating "thanksgivings"—days of prayer thanking God for blessings such as military victory or the end of a drought.
This is what conquerors think. But what about Indians? Many Native Americans see Thanksgiving in a negative light and refer to it as ‘a day of mourning’ in memory of the injustices their ancestors faced at the hands of pilgrims.
On the last Thursday of November each year, many people remember the REAL history behind “Thanksgiving Day”. They do not feast on turkeys in celebration; rather they mourn and fast with friends, family, and loved ones for the gruesome genocide committed towards the Native Americans by European settlers.

These Days Thanksgiving Day is traditionally a day for families and friends to get together for a special meal. Thanksgiving Day is a time for many people to give thanks for what they have.
We keep this tradition in America since my youngest daughter was born in this country, plus it's a reason to get together as whole family.
Stuffing, Dressing and Filling: Thanksgiving Across America.
Classic Thanksgiving dishes:
Turkey: and/or ham, goose and duck or turduken
Stuffing (also known as dressing): a mix of bread cubes, chopped celery, carrots, onions and sage stuffed inside the turkey for roasting. Chestnuts, chopped bacon or sausage, and raisins or apples are also sometimes included in the stuffing.
Mashed potatoes with gravy
Sweet potatoes: often served as candied sweet potatoes, sometimes topped with marshmallows
Butternut squash
Green beans
Cranberry sauce
Plain bread rolls, savory biscuits or corn bread (popular in the southern US states and some parts of New England)
Pies: pumpkin pies are most common, but pecan, apple, sweet potato and mincemeat pies are also quite popular.
American supermarkets are reported to sell more food at Thanksgiving than at any other time of the year. And many people eat more food at Thanksgiving than at any other time of the year.

The joke goes among Russians:" What did poor this turkey, even among Russian joke goes: what did this poor turkey, that she has to take the rap every year?
We don't use these american tradition food, we use Russian New Year's dishes, such as chicken, salad, cabbage pies, barbecue, but in everything else we adhere to the American traditions.

Having an Amazing Thanksgiving.
We Make the table festive. We Arrange the table decorations the two weeks before Thanksgiving. I bought a Thanksgiving-themed centerpiece or create your own for display on the table. Ready-made centerpieces or DIY kits can be found at any craft store. But I love Thanksgiving's stuff from Pottery Barn kids.
We Enjoy some traditional Thanksgiving holiday pursuits. You do these things before, during, or after you eat our Thanksgiving meal. There are a few traditions associated with the Thanksgiving holiday that are enjoyed in many families, and here are a few things that you can do:
- We Watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV with the kids. Broadcast on television from New York City, the parade is extremely popular and viewed by millions at home. Take a break and attend a local Thanksgiving parade if time permits, or watch it on television. The second popular parade in the USA is Philadelphia Parade.
- Or we gather to watch old Russian Holiday films on TV.
Thanksgiving Weekend in Philadelphia means the annual Thanksgiving Day Parade, the return of beloved annual holiday attractions and much more. (Photo by M. Kennedy for Visit Philadelphia)

All schools and child care celebrate  Thanksgiving the day or two before this Day. Usually stuff from childcare prepares for parents theme songs and lunch for kids.  The whole week before the holiday, they draw themed pictures and learn poems, make decoration like Indian jewelry, decoration for classes.
The Goddard School, Gaithersburg conducted an event for children and parents. Children sang songs for their parents. For children, the school has prepared a small dinner party.
Usually all activities (matinees for children) in the childcare are rare and short. Each parent, including daddy, trying not to miss a holiday.
The children made themselves a crown and beads in Indian style.
Public schools usually have pajama's day the day before Thanksgiving. They have small celebration at school but parents are not invited here. 
I was wonder that in our school teaches entertain children, but not students entertain teaches as in Russia. Kids have early release. Whole week before Holiday they make decoration or just simple pictures about Thanksgiving, learn the history of this festival, singing theme songs.

Elementary school teachers , not students, are entertain his disciples. This time, the school provided sport competitions among teachers. It is noteworthy, that any event in the school, even the beginning of the school day begins with the US national anthem.
The woman in pink pajamas is headmaster in our school. Did you see the same funny situation in Russia?
It's time for charity.
Thanksgiving is also a time when Americans share what they have with people who do not have as much. All across the country, thousands of groups provide Thanksgiving meals for older adults, poor people and the homeless. Many Americans give turkeys or other food to these organizations; schools organize food collection drives for Thanksgiving. Some people spend part of the holiday helping to prepare and serve meals.

More than any other American holiday, Thanksgiving celebrates family and home. On Thanksgiving, many people enjoy a long day of cooking, talking and eating. Thanks to the US government for a day off for all workers.